SP's: According to the latest revelations made by the American law enforcement agencies, ISIS terrorists are failing hard at hacking the America energy grid. They are launching repetitive failed attacks on the network with their poor hacking skills.
The Islamic State, or the ISIS, is trying hard to hack the American electrical power companies’ networks, according to the U.S. law enforcement officials. They have revealed these regular hack attempts on Wednesday at the American energy firms’ conference.
“ISIL is beginning to perpetrate cyber attacks”, said Caitlin Durkovich, assistant secretary for infrastructure protection at the Department of Homeland Security during the process of outlining the national security concerns.
ISIS terrorists are trying hard to shut down the US towns and businesses by hacking the electrical grids. The reason behind their repetitive failure lies in their poor hacking skills. But, the FBI warns that ISIS can easily overcome this issue by buying the tools needed to perform the attack.
“Strong intent. Thankfully, low capability,” said John Riggi, a section chief at the FBI’s cyber division. “But the concern is that they’ll buy that capability.”
However, FBI hasn’t released any kind of red alert as even if the ISIS terrorists manage to crack the codes and infiltrate the power grids, they would be just able to effects a city block or small town.
Currently, the American power grid is a chaotic patchwork of grids, each with different machines and software. Surprisingly, this jumbled network works to the nation’s advantage, according to company executives.
Well, for now, the FBI and other agencies are watching over the American cyberspace more carefully as a more powerful attack could be just around the corner to cause a widespread damage.
“We’ve had pretty good success actually,” Riggi said. “Since the FBI is an intelligence agency, we rely on the help of CIA and NSA. We compare information with the NSA.”
Source: CBS6
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