SP's: Amazon has filed a lawsuit against 1,114 fake product reviewers using the Fiverr gig platform. This is an attempt by the online retailer to alleviate the fake review cases that tarnish their image.
In an attempt to curb the mischief of thousands of fake product reviewers, Amazon has filed a lawsuit against 1,114 people who gave sham reviews about one of the largest online retailer on Fiverr. Amazon is now getting strict on these false experts who would write anything for a price.
In a similar incident in April this year, Amazon sued a few product-review website operators for spreading the false scam against the company. In the Fiverr case, Amazon has filed a lawsuit against the people through their usernames and is pursuing Fiverr for their actual account information.
Amazon and many other retailers including app stores have been continuously struggling against the false reviews at the gig sites and any attempt to curtail such had been futile.
Fiverr is an inexpensive online marketplace where small tasks and services like editing, translation and reviews are offered by users for just $5. Since Fiverr has co-operated with Amazon on similar cases in the past, they have not been targeted in te lawsuit, but warned against its lenient and unregulated admissive policies.
This is a by far the biggest attempt by any company to nab down the fake-review offenders. However, Fiverr is not the only gig website that offer such platforms and the problem for the big companies is only escalating.
Just a few negative reviews are enough to tarnish a brand’s image in the customer’s eyes, so the offense of fake reviews is now being taken seriously by all the companies.
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