
After facing backlash over the “wildly inaccurate” accounts reported to Twitter, Anonymous has decided to switch to their area of expertise i.e hacking websites and DDoSing them. Read ahead to know more about their plan of “Rickrolling” ISIS’ online presence.

After targeting ISIS Twitter handles, Anonymous hackers are now using a new weapon to target the online presence of Islamic State.
It should be noted that the Twitter campaign of Anonymous has backfired a little bit. Twitter has told that Anonymous-submitted lists have proved to be “wildly inaccurate.” Now the Anonymous hackers have decided to move on to more “serious” things.

Anonymous hackers have announced a new campaign of offensive hacking. In a Tweet, the @OpParisOfficial has tweeted:

If failed after trying to hack the ISIS website, the hackers are advised to flood the website with the Rick Astley’s song Never Gonna Give You Up (Also called “Rickrolling”).

As we mentioned earlier, Anonymous is being targetted for directing its attacks to non-ISIS Twitter websites. As a result, it seems that Anonymous is looking to make a move in the domain of their expertise i.e. hacking websites and DDoS attacks. The @OpParisOfficial has also tweeted that Anonymous has been able to shut down more than 11,000 ISIS Twitter accounts.

We report that at the moment more than 11.000 Twitter accounts pro #ISIS are down. 
It should be noted that in the past, to inspire more people to join the #OpParis movement, Anonymous has posted 3 hacking guides to take down ISIS websites and report their Twitter handles.

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