
SP's: Each of the first 1o employees of Apple had outstanding contributions to Apple in the field of design, funding, coding and developing unique power supply. In this article, we are telling you about the first 10 employees of Apple and where are they today.

We all know about the heights that Apple has reached today, but not many of us know that although Jobs was the driving force behind Apple, there was a wonderful team of talented people to support him.

BI writes, “When Scott came to Apple he had to give out numbers to each employee to make life easier for the payroll department”.  In this article, we are telling you about the first 10 employees of Apple and where are they today. Here’s the list,  arranged in order of their employment in Apple:

1. Steve Wozniak- Technical Expert

steve wozniak

Wozniak considered taking the job offer at HP in Oregon as he was under the impression that Apple would crash someday. However, these days he’s busy bashing Steve Jobs as the consultant to the new movie on Jobs’ life.

2. Steve Jobs

steve jobs

Apple’s first CEO Michael Scott says, “I know I didn’t give it to Jobs because I thought that would be too much.”

In 1977, Jobs and Wozniak were successful in shipping their first computer, which was a naked circuit board called Apple. It didn’t have a keyboard or a screen. He died in October 2011.

3. Mike Markulla – The money man

mike markkula

Mike Markulla was the venture capitalist who provided Apple’s first proper funding. He also installed real management. He made an investment in Apple worth $250,000, in exchange of which he took 30% shares of the company. He stayed at Apple until 1997 and left when Jobs came back.

4. Bill Fernandez – First Employee Of Apple

bill fernandez

Fernandez was also a neighbor and friend of Steve Wozniak. He stayed with Apple until 1993, after which he started working at Ingres, a database company.

5. Rod Holt- The Chief Scientist

rod holt

Holt invented the switching power supply that allowed them to do a very lightweight computer compared to others who used transformers. Holt later joined Apple full time.

Holt was the Chief Engineer and Vice President of Engineering during most the reign of the Apple II. From contributing to floppy disk, the switching power supply, and radio interference problems to receiving four patents for his work, Holt played a major role in Apple II.

6. Randy Wigginton

randy wigginton

In 1977, Wigginton collaborated with Wozniak on the circuit design and ROM software for the Apple II. Wigginton wrote machine language graphics subroutines and several early programs for the Apple II.

7. Michael Scott – First CEO of Apple

michael scott

Michael Scott was the first CEO of Apple Computer from February 1977 to March 1981. He was the former director of manufacturing at National Semiconductor.

As Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, both were inexperienced for the post of CEO, hence Scott was persuaded for the post by Markkula.  Scott declared that there would be no typewriters at Apple.  Scott left Apple officially on July 10, 1981.

 8. Chris Espinosa

chris espinosa

In 1976, the 14-year-old Espinosa was only 14 years old when he began working for Apple, making him one of the company’s youngest employees.

He began writing BASIC programs in Jobs’ garage, and has worked in a variety of different positions during his time at Apple- including Mac OS, A/UX, HyperCard etc. He has worked in Apple for his entire life.

9. Sherry Livingston – Right hand of Apple’s first CEO

sherry livingstone

She was the first secretary at Apple. She was hired by Michael Scott. In the early days, she did all the odds and ends work at Apple.

10. Gary Martin

gary martin

After staying at Apple till 1983, Martin switched to Starstruck, which is a company working on space travel and kept moving from one CFO to another in different companies.

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