What if I told you of a scenario where a road ” drinks” gallons of water? What would be your reaction then?
“Impossible! “, right? Well, not really.
The devastation caused by the flood of 2007 in America compelled them to think of a smarter drainage system. Tarmac in the UK has come up with a new porous concrete – Top Mix Permeable. This can absorb up to 4,000 litres of water in the first 60 seconds, and an average of 600 litres per minute, per meter squared.
Here’s how it works:
The surface consists of a permeable layer of pebbles through which the water can percolate easily
This is followed by an attenuation layer, which then feeds this water into the underground drainage system, which is further utilized for useful purposes like irrigation, drinking water, etc.
Being a super-absorbent concrete, it is relatively cooler than regular concrete, even during the hottest months of the year.
However, the only constraint in the application of this drainage system is that it can only be used in places where the temperature is unlikely to drop below the freezing point. This is because in case that it does, the entire drainage system would collapse.
We hope that Tarmac soon comes up with an updated version this drainage system, having taken care of the temperature constraints.
Do you believe that this should be applied in your country as well? Do you think that temperature is the only constraint or is there a scope for further improvement? Tell us in the comments below.
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