SP's: Finally, Twitter has named Jack Dorsey as its new permanent CEO. Read what he has to say about his new job.
Twitter has finally announced that Jack Dorsey will be company’s full-time CEO. One of Twitter co-founders, Jack, will be now dropping the interim CEO title and will also remain the CEO of Square.
Jack Dorsey returned to the company as an interim head after Dick Costolo left the office.
To announce the news, Jack tweeted a number of updates. Take a look:
🐥⚡️ Hello! We have some news to share!
— Jack (@jack) October 5, 2015
We are naming @adambain COO of Twitter, we're working to change the composition of our Board, and I will serve as CEO of Twitter and Square!
— Jack (@jack) October 5, 2015
My focus is to build teams that move fast, and learn faster. In the past 3 months we have increased our speed and urgency at both companies.
— Jack (@jack) October 5, 2015
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