SP's: Microsoft has been unable to bring momentum to the Edge browser adoption rate and this could be largely attributed to the lack of Chrome-like Microsoft Edge Extensions. In a disappointing development, Microsoft has confirmed that the extension support will be coming as an update in 2016, instead of being a part of the much anticipated Windows 10 Threshold 2 update coming next month.
With Windows 10, Microsoft launched its next-gen browser Microsoft Edge to challenge the likes of Chrome and Firefox. In the early reviews, Microsoft Edge showed lots of promise but it lacked an important aspect: Microsoft Edge Extensions.
It was rumored that Microsoft will be releasing the Microsoft Edge Extensions in the Windows 10 Threshold 2 update. But according to the latest media reports, Microsoft needs more time to develop extension support in Microsoft Edge.
The technology company has issued an official statement that tells us more about the delayed Microsoft Edge Extensions in Windows 10:
"We’re committed to providing customers with a personalized web experience, which is why bringing extensions to Microsoft Edge continues to be a high priority. We’re actively working to develop a secure extension model to make the safest and most reliable browser for our customers, and look forward to sharing more in a future Windows 10 update in 2016."
The upcoming Microsoft Edge Extensions support will bring Google Chrome extensions to the Microsoft’s new browser. The developers who build extensions using common Web technologies like JavaScrip and HTML, will be able to work with Microsoft Edge with little or no code changes.
This news of the delay in Microsoft Edge is disappointing as the adoption rate of Microsoft has been disappointing in the recent times. Instead of being a neat-looking and fast web browser, people have been hesitating to make it their default web browser. This reluctance could be solely attributed to the lack of extensions.
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