
SP's: Disney has developed a colouring book app that would turn the coloured 2D character into a 3D augmented reality object on screen.

                Who says technology can’t be fun! And when the favourite cartoon character of your child or little sibling comes out from his sketch book, you seem to realise how much the technology has actually advanced. Augmented Reality has a kickass future and Disney has now given a glimpse of the coming days.
Disney’s tech team has created an interactive Android and iOS colouring book app that would turn the coloured character into a live 3D animated character much like the child’s imagination, but of course, into an augmented reality object on screen. It is a new Disney Research project that aims to bring back the lost excitement in children towards the colouring books.

              Now, converting a 2D picture into a 3D reality is tricky as most of the drawings have only a portion of the character (front or side view). Disney’s colouring book app overcomes the challenge by copying the pixels from the drawing and making a guess for the remaining part keeping its texture same as the original. The texture of the 3D model is automatically synthesised in real-time based on the drawing.

            Disney conducted a web-based user based study with 314 participants for their colouring book app validation and was really happy with the responses. In the final assessment, a majority of the participants told that this creativity motivates them to draw, improve their sense of connection with the character and would definitely use the app at home.

           The smart work by the Disney team will help the children to bridge their gap between conventional creative methods with a sweet taste of technology.

What do you think of Disney’s colouring book app? Tell us in comments below.

via: Disney

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